Controlled Substances & Prescription Drugs
Some people may think that you cannot be arrested for DUI of drugs unless
you are under the influence of a controlled substance, such as marijuana,
cocaine, or heroin, but such is not the case. Police officers have every
right to arrest anyone who is unable to safely operate a motor vehicle,
whether that is due to drunkenness, impaired vision, excessive fatigue,
or the effects of an illegal drug or any kind of prescription or over-the-counter
medication. Your doctor should warn you if a prescription drug has side
effects such as blurred vision, fatigue, impaired motor function, and
impaired reflexes. You could fight your charges based on your doctor's
negligence, police misconduct, or lack of evidence.
Hire a Jacksonville DUI Attorney Today
Parks & Braxton, PA has 50 years of combined legal experience in both
prosecution and defense. Today, our lawyers use their knowledge of both
sides to provide the most thorough and effective DUI defense available.
We are highly recognized for our success - just take a look at our recent
court wins to see for yourself - and we have won literally thousands of cases.
Set up a
free case evaluation with a DUI lawyer from our firm as soon as possible to learn what we can
do for you.
Contact us today!